We have learned how to write cheques, make deposits, and transfer funds by using respective submenus in the Main Menu > Banking. If speed is important, you can also record these types of transactions through your bank account`s register. It`s imperative to note that you cannot use register to enter transactions with sales tax.
Here is how to do it:
1. Open your Chart of Accounts, either
a. from the Home Page > Company tab, click Chart of Accounts, or
b. from Main Menu > Lists > Chart of Accounts.
2. Highlight your bank account and double click it to open the register:
In the past, we have discussed how to handle NSF (Non-Sufficient Funds) or bounced cheques. There is a couple of items we needed to set up to capture NSF cheque and NSF charge, a bit lengthy than norm. In QuickBooks 2014, however, you can do it in just one click from a “Record Bounced Cheque” icon in the Receive Payment dialog box. Thus, you have to find where exactly your customer paid you as an example below:
Read more: Bounced Cheques – A New Feature in QuickBooks 2014
If your bank and credit card accounts are set up for online banking, QuickBooks make it easy to connect with your accounts and download statements to your company file. This method expedites your data entry into QuickBooks, especially if you have a lot of online banking and credit card transactions.
Participating financial institutions are listed in the Banking > Online Banking > Participating Financial Institutions:
One of new features in QuickBooks 2014 is an ability to attach files in your customers (sales) forms - invoices, sales receipts, estimates, and sales orders; and vendors (expenses) forms – bills and purchase orders. This is very useful as you can attach your source document to any of the forms for future references. And if you have a paperless office plan in place, this should become really handy.
Let’s open one of the form, bills:
Read more: Attaching Files to Customers and Vendors Forms in QuickBooks 2014
QuickBooks provides an easy way to export lists, such as chart of accounts, customer list, and vendor list, to delimited text files called IIF (Intuit Interchange Format). Once the .iif file is created, you can then import it to another company file of your choice without re-entering the data one by one.
To export a list or lists:
1. Go to the Main Menu > File > utilities > Export > Lists to IIF Files … to open Export dialog box:
2. Select the list(s) that you want to export by turning on the box(es). If you want to save each list to a different .iif file, you have to export each list one by one.
3. Click OK to open another Export dialog box asking you where to save the file:
4. Click Save and if successful, the program will inform you that “Your data has been exported successfully”:
By the same token, you can import the .iif file you just exported to another company file by:
1. Going Main menu > File > Utilities > Import > IIF Lists … to open Import dialog box to choose your .iif file.
2. Click Open to open and import .iif file.
3. If successful, QuickBooks will inform you that “Your data has been imported”.