QB Writing Checks wo Entering Bills 1


Bank Account. Choose appropriate checking account if you have more than one.

Ending Balance. Automatically filled in.

No. This is a check number which is automatically filled in. Make sure it matches with the number on your paper check.

Date. Defaulted to today’s date. You can overwrite it if required.

Pay to the Order of. Select whom you want to pay from its drop down list of customers, vendors, employees, and Other Names list.

Address. QuickBooks will populate this once you fill in “Pay to the Order of” field.

Memo. Write any important memo as you wish.

Expenses/Item tab. Click one or the other to record your transactions, similar to entering bills. As you enter a value in the Amount cell, it will automatically populate the check amount.

To be Printed. Checkmark this box if the check is to be printed. The onscreen check will look the same as printed check.

Click Save & Close when you are done.

2. Using Bank Register.

Open the bank register in your chart of accounts using Ctrl + A or choose Lists > Chart of Accounts from the Main menu; then double clicking your checking account:


QB Writing Checks wo Entering Bills 2


Date. Enter transaction date.

Number Type. It automatically populates with check number. You can overwrite it if necessary.

Payee. Choose whom you are paying to from the drop down list, just like “Pay to the Order of” in the Write Cheques window.

Account. Choose your expense account from the drop down list.

Memo. Type a memo if necessary.

Payment. Enter the check amount. 

If you have more than one (1) expense account, click the Splits button to open a panel where you can assign them:


QB Writing Checks wo Entering Bills 3


Click Record button when you are done.