Whether you're relaxing on the beach, poolside or in the mountains this summer, odds are your mind will wander more than once that old familiar place. You'll fantasize about how much better your life would be if only you could get your act together and start your own business.

You've got no shortage of business ideas and you may have even written a preliminary business plan, but getting all your entrepreneurial ducks in a row has eluded you so far.

Summer's a great time to start a business. Here are five things you can do this summer to be ready by January.

Narrow your focus. Maybe you've got a few fuzzy business ideas floating around. This is the time to narrow your focus and decide exactly what you want your business to do. Don't let your plan be too broad. The best path for new businesses is to focus on a niche and be good at it. You can always broaden your offerings later. ... Read more from Fox Business