QB Verify  Rebuild Data 1

2.    Your data has lost integrity.
This means your data file is damaged and you need to run Rebuild Data Utility to repair the damage.
3.    A data problem prevents QuickBooks from continuing.
This means your data has a structural damage and you have to call the Intuit Technical Support.


Rebuild Data Utility
If your data has lost integrity or your reports show discrepancies, then you have to run the Rebuild Data Utility.  This utility will ask you to back up your data file beforehand and the end result will show that “Rebuild has completed”.  If not, you then have to call the Intuit Technical Support.


QB Verify  Rebuild Data 2


Once data rebuilding has been completed, run the Verify Data Utility again to make sure that the damages has been fixed.  If there are errors, they will be written to QBWIN.LOG and you can view this file by:
•    Press F2 on your keyboard
•    Press F3 to open Tech Help dialog box
•    Select Open File tab
•    Choose QBWIN.log from the drop-down menu and click Open File


QB Verify  Rebuild Data 3