QB Running Payroll 1


Enter name of payroll schedule, frequency, pay period end date, & date on pay cheque.
Click OK when you are done, Payroll Centre will reappear with your new payroll schedule.

If you have created a payroll schedule, you will see your payroll schedule in the Pay Employees pane. Highlight and double click it to open Enter Payroll Information window:


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Pay Period End and Cheque Date field are prefilled according to your payroll schedule. Make any change if necessary.
Select your correct bank account in Bank Account field. Click Continue to open Create and Review Pay Cheques window:


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Print pay cheques from QuickBooks. Self-explanatory.
Assign cheque numbers to handwritten cheques. Self-explanatory.

Open Pay Cheque Detail. Clicking this will open each employee pay cheque detail, in the Review or Change Pay Cheque window:


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You can change employee compensation here. Click Save & Next to go to next employee, or Save & Close to save, which will bring you back to previous Review or Change Pay Cheque window.
Recheck and if every number is good, click Create Pay Cheque:


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Pay cheques are created and displayed in the Confirmation and Next Steps window. Depending what you want to print &/or email, select Print Pay Cheques or Print/Email Paystubs.
Click Close when you are finished.