2. In the “Select the backup file from you want to restore”, enter the backup filename from QuickBooks 2013 (,QBB), or click the ellipsis (…) button to open “Open Backup Copy” dialog box and choose your backup file in your computer. Click Open.
3. In the “Where do you want to save the restored file?”, enter the file name where you want to restore your file (,QBW), or click the ellipsis (…) button to open “Save Company File” dialog box.
Select the folder you want and name your restored company file in QuickBooks 2012. Click Save.
4. You will be brought back to “Restore Your Company File” dialog box in Step 1 with the “Backup filename” and “Restored filename” fields filled in. Click OK.
5. Once the program is successful in restoring your file, a message will appear:
6. Click OK and now you have restored the QuickBooks 2013 backup file into QuickBooks 2012 working file.