QB Reminders Preferences 1



QB Reminders Preferences 2


Cheques to Print
When you print cheques altogether in future date, this reminder is useful. You can even set the number of day s before the cheque date in the box provided.

Pay Cheques to Print
This feature is useful if your payroll processing date is in advance of your pay cheques. You can also set the number of days before pay cheque date.

Invoices/Credit Memos to Print
When you print invoices/credit memos in batches, you can set this reminder on by setting the number of days before invoice date

Overdue Invoices
Used to remind overdue invoices. You can set the number of days after the due date.

Almost Due Invoices
Show Summary option is automatically selected and you can’t change it, but you can set the number of days before due date.

Sales Receipts to Print
If you print your sales receipts in batch, this reminds you to print them.

Sales Orders to Print
This reminds you to print sales orders in queue.

Inventory to Reorder
Very useful if you have inventory items where you can set the Reorder Point. Once the item breach this Reorder Point, the program will remind you to reorder.

Assembly Items to Build (QuickBooks Premier & Entreprise)
This option reminds you when a quantity of assembled items drops below the Build Point.

Bills to Pay
You can set the number of days before the due date.

Memorized Transaction Due
When you memorize transactions, you have option to set the next occurrence date. This reminder tells you about the recurring memorized transactions. You can set the number of days before due date.

Money to Deposit
If you use Undeposited Funds account, this reminder lets you know that you have money to deposit.

Purchase Orders to Print
Reminds you about PO to print.

To Do Notes
This reminds you to-do items associated with customers and/or vendors.