QB Generating Statement of Cash Flow 1


The Statement of Cash Flow is a cash basis report that has several categories:

This refers to your operating business activities, where your Net Income of the P&L accrual report is a starting point.  Then all the adjustments from accrual to cash is calculated in the “Adjustments to reconcile Net income to net cash provided by operations” to arrive at Net cash provided by Operating Activities.
As a business owner, this is the most desirable activities: higher this number, the better you are in generating cash from operations.

Activities such as purchasing or selling asset or investment in marketable securities will be recorded here.

This deals with your activities in  long term debt or loan.

Similar to generating Profit & Loss, there are two ways to do generate Statement of Cash Flows:
•    From the Report Centre, by clicking Reports > Report Centre or selecting Report Centre icon, selecting Statement of Cash Flows (shown below using Carousel view):


QB Generating Statement of Cash Flow 2


    You can move left to right moving the bottom bar in selecting your desired financial reports.

•    Or from Main Manu > Reports > select Company & Financial > Statement of Cash Flows.


If you need to change the account assignments in the Statement of Cash Flow, click the “Classify Cash” bar on the top right, then select Classify Cash in the Preferences window:


QB Generating Statement of Cash Flow 3