2.    Customer Type List

Customer types list is used to help you generate your income and expenses based on customer category. For example, a franchisor may create franchisee, advertisement, and referral customer types to see how much revenue generated from each:


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To create a new customer type, click Customer Type > New and fill in required info. You can also create a subtype by clicking the subtype checkbox and choose the parent type.

3.    Vendor Type List

Vendor Type List, similar to Customer type List, is used to categorize vendors and filter expenses reports by different kinds of vendors. For example, you may create consultant, supplies, tax agency, and utilities to help you differentiate your consulting, goods, tax, and utilities costs.


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To add anew vendor type, simple click Vendor Type > New and name it. Similarly, you can also create a subtype by clicking the subtype checkbox and choose the parent type.

4.    Job Type List

This is used to categorize your customer jobs to help you filter income and expenses reports. For example, you may create hockey, skating, and ski lessons, to know exactly how much profit you generate from each.


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To create a new job type, choose Job Type > New and name it. Creating a subtype is done here, too.

5.    Terms List

Term List cover both customer and vendor terms. If you assign a term in your customer record, QuickBooks will automatically fills the Term field when you create that customer’s invoice. By the same token, if you assign a term in your vendor record, the program will automatically fills in the term field when you create vendor’s bill.

To add a new term, open Terms List window > click Terms > New:


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Standard option is used to create terms due on a specific date after the invoice date:
•    Net due in is the maximum number of days allowed for payment after the invoice date.
•    Discount percentage if the percentage of discount for early payment.
•    Discount is paid within is the number of days after the invoice date for having early payment discount percentage.

Date Driven  option is used to create terms due on a particular date, regardless of the invoice date:
•    Net due before is the due date of the month.
•    Dues the next month if issued within is the number of days before the “Net due” date to push the due date to the next month.
•    Discount percentage is the percentage of discount payment.
•    Discount if paid before is the date where the early payment discount percentage is applicable.

6.    Customer Message List

This is to add a short message in invoices, such as, “Season’s Greetings” or “Thank you for your business”.


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You can add or edit your message by simply clicking Customer Message > New or Edit.

7.    Payment Method List

This list is used to categorize payments used by your customers. You can then print reports subtotalled by type of payment, such as, cash, cheque, American Express, etc.


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By default, QuickBooks populates the payment method with the most commonly used ones. You can add or modify your payment methods by choosing Payment Method > New or Edit.

8.    Ship Via List
Use this list to describe different types of shipping method in your invoices.  By default, QuickBooks populates it with many shipment methods. You can always add or modify the list according to your needs by selecting Shipping Method > New or Edit.


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If you use one shipping method much more often than others, you can make it as a default in Edit > preferences > Sales and Customers, and select it from Usual Shipping Method drop-down menu.

9.    Vehicle List

Use this list if you want to track vehicles mileage in your business.