2. If you have an estimate for your customer or job, then if are creating invoice, you will be prompted with “Available Estimates’’ window like below:

QB Creating Progress Invoices 1

Select your estimate to invoice. In the above example, click OK since there is only one (1) estimate.

3. “Create Progress Invoice based On Estimate” window will appear with the following options:

Create invoice for the entire estimate (100%).
Use this to invoice the whole job, i.e. 100% of your estimate.

Create invoice for a percentage of the entire estimate.
Use this to invoice a certain percentage of your estimate. Enter the percentage in the % of estimate box.

Create invoice for selected items or for different percentages of each item.
Use this if you need to invoice for the completed work that has different percentages in each of the items. For example, in building construction, when you finish foundation work, you would invoice 100% of foundation cost, but only certain percentage of supervision cost.

Create invoice for the remaining amount of the estimate.
For each progress invoicing created after the first one, this option will appear instead of “Create invoice for the entire estimate (100%)” above. Use this to create your last invoice for the remaining balance of the estimate.

QB Creating Progress Invoices 2

4. For this example, it’s assumed that the first progress invoicing is 45% of estimate.
If you select “Create invoice for selected items or for different percentages of each item” the “Specify Invoice Amounts for Items on Estimate” window will appear.
Enter the line items as you want to have as your second progress invoicing. Let’s put 30%, 20%, 10%, and 55% in the "Curr %" column:

QB Creating Progress Invoices 3


5. Click OK, your second invoice will appear as below:


QB Creating Progress Invoices 4

6. Click Save & Close to save your invoice.