Customers is automatically selected from its drop-down menu of Customers, Vendors, Service Items, Inventory Parts, and Non-inventory Parts. Select any of the lists you want to work with.
Active Customers is automatically selected from its drop-down menu of All Customers, Active Customers, Inactive Customers, Unsaved Customers, Customers with errors, and Custom filter.
If you have particular specifications to filter your customers, select Custom Filter to open the window:
Again, you can search from any of All Customers, Active Customers, Inactive Customers, Unsaved Customers, and Customers with errors in the Search field. Enter what your specification in the For field, and choose from a drop-down “in” menu.
Use this to find any specific customer record.
Customize Columns
Use this to customize columns that appear in the Add/Edit Multiple List Entries. You can add or remove columns according to your needs. Click Customize Columns to open the Customize Columns window:
For example, if you don’t want the M.I. column in previous Add/Edit Multiple List Entries to appear, highlight the M.I. in the Chosen Columns and select <Remove. By the same token, if you want to add Customer Balance in your Add/Edit Multiple List Entries window to appear, highlight Customer balance in the Available Columns and select Add>.
You can also move your columns using Move Up and Move Down button to meet your columns location.
Sort the column entries
To sort the entries within the columns, click the column heading to sort it in ascending or descending order.
Adding or Editing Records
Once the columns appearance is of your liking, you can start adding or editing your list. There are a few ways to do this:
• Click an empty cell after your last records to add another record. Move to the cell you want to edit if you need to change its value.
• Copy and Paste. You can copy and paste from any Excel file, column per column, or altogether, depending on what you want to accomplish. Make sure the columns you copy match the corresponding columns you are pasting.
• If you right click in any of the cell, you can Insert Line, Delete Line, Copy Down, Duplicate Row, and Clear Columns.