My best business idea ever – and, believe me, I've had a lot of them – was a great concept. A sure thing, I thought. It would be part store, part salon, part party place for girls only. It had great potential.


Then, unexpectedly, I found myself standing in the middle of exactly such a place. A franchise called "Sweet and Sassy," which is part junior salon (mini-mani's, anyone?), part party location and part retail store stocked with $4 bottles of nail polish, shower scrubs and hair extensions. All in all, it was exactly what I'd imagined: a big, fat, glitter-covered, fairy-winged, hot-pink cash cow.

"They stole my idea," I thought to myself as Justin Bieber blared through the stereo speakers while a gaggle of 7-year-olds got mini-makeovers. "How did I let this happen?" ... Read More