It’s been three months since we launched Tracked Inventory in Xero. It’s proven to be a great tool for small businesses who want a real-time view of the products they sell.

Our customers are impressed with Inventory in Xero. They’ve found it to be an easy way to keep track of their stock.

Why use inventory?

When we launched Inventory  back in March, we showed our customers how they could use it to help their businesses thrive.

Managing inventory can be a challenge for any business. Our customers appreciate having visibility over what products are selling well, and which aren’t.

Customers using Tracked Inventory say they are making better decisions about their stock levels. They’re ordering stock at the right time, and they always know which products are selling well.

Unsold stock means money is sitting on your shelves gathering dust. You also have to keep track of which products sell out so you can reorder in time.

Our customers are also keeping their accountants happy. Xero automatically calculates their cost of goods sold. This means they can easily work with their accountant to make product decisions that improve their profit.

Untracked Inventory is still available for businesses that only provide services or buy items when a customer orders them. Interestingly, we’ve seen an increase in our customers using this method too.

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