Looking to start a business, but aren’t sure what field to start it in? If you’re open to suggestions, here’s a list of the hottest industries that entrepreneurs are currently starting businesses in. Before you put your finger on one, though, consider that you’re looking for a business that:

  • Is in an economic-proof industry
  • Can survive the amount of competition that currently exists
  • Solves a problem in a way no one else in the industry is doing

That being said, dive in and see what strikes your fancy!

1. Energy

As a society, we’re obsessed with finding the products — be they lightbulbs or cars — that produce the least amount of energy, which leaves plenty of opportunity for new business. Federal stimulus programs are offering $43 billion to fund energy projects, so there’s plenty of the pie to go around.

2. Tech

Technology paints a wide brushstroke, but there are so many opportunities cropping up these days: from designing custom apps for businesses to inventing the iPad killer.

3. Home Improvement

As people elect to invest in improving their homes rather than selling them in a tumultuous real estate market, there will be even more opportunity for anyone involved in plumbing, electricity, remodeling, and interior design. Remodels improve a home’s value, homeowners are told, but even if they don’t, they make a house more enjoyable to live in.

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