Here are the expenses Canadians try to claim that Canada Revenue Agency says are simply not eligible.


Don’t do this: Expenses like home staging, the cost of house hunting and job hunting trips, mail-forwarding charges, storage fees near your former residence, and the cost of repairing your old residence prior to selling it don’t qualify.

In addition, the CRA says that sometimes receipts are either not sent in when requested or the receipts themselves are not valid, perhaps because the dates on the receipts don’t correspond to the moving dates.

Do this: If you moved in 2014, you can write off your moving expenses provided the distance between your old residence and your new work location is at least 40 kilometres greater than the distance between your new residence and the new work location.


Don’t do this: Taxpayers often try to claim the costs of vitamins, natural supplements, or over-the-counter medications, which are not valid expenses. Similarly, medical supplies such as rubbing alcohol, bandages, and shoe inserts do not qualify for the credit.

Do this: Valid medical expenses qualify for a 15% federal credit as well as a provincial credit, provided they exceed a minimum threshold equal to the lesser of 3% of your net income or $2,171.

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