I have yet to meet a business owner who doesn’t admit to making at least one or two mistakes at some point over the years, and I’m certainly no exception! Being an entrepreneur or simply trying to keep up with the everyday running of a small business can be full of potential potholes to swerve and avoid.

However, while you’re busy avoiding making the more obvious mistakes, there are others lurking in the background which could be equally damaging to your business. Here are five that I see over and over again, and work on with my coaching clients.

Mistake #1 – Stagnation or No Growth

It’s vital to keep your business growing and evolving, and you can do this by taking stock of where it is and where it’s heading on a regular basis. My business model is quite different today to when I first started up as a life coach over 10 years ago. Back then it was all about booking as many one-to-one calls as possible into the diary. After a while I branched out with workshops and teleclasses. In recent years I’ve learned how to use the internet and create additional revenue streams, and now I teach and coach others to do this as well. I expect your business has changed too, just make sure you’re still the one in control of the steering wheel and you know where you’re heading.

Action Step – Take regular time out for evaluation, reflection and planning. ... Read more