Here are ten tips to help you work on your business:

1. Get comfortable with your numbers. A common mistake for small business owners is to view finances through an emotional lens, meaning they either look at them with fear when times are tight or delight when business is booming. But looking at finances from an emotional standpoint means you will miss important information such as what and why things are working or not working. Instead be open and inquisitive with your numbers. When you’re constantly curious – in both good times and bad – you will always be learning and thinking constructively on how you can improve your business.

2. Know your assumptions. It’s important to clearly define and understand the things you hope will happen with your business, so that you can monitor your results and adjust accordingly. If you aren’t reaching your projected numbers you can then compare the actual results to your assumptions and see what needs to be changed.

3. Don’t force results. Rather than try forcing a certain result, consider the factors that created those results and see how they can be changed and how that in turn creates a new result. When you play with the factors, you’re able to learn and adapt to what is working and not working and understand why.

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