As a small business owner, there may be nothing more important to To get a handle on your company’s future cash at hand, several tools are available to help you analyze projected income and expenses. They range from rudimentary spreadsheets to slick visualization apps. Here are five tools that can help you forecast your figures.
For some, there’s nothing like rolling up their sleeves and getting their hands dirty with an Excel spreadsheet. If this is you, here are some templates you can use to get you started. Futurpreneur Canada provides a cash flow template that will cover everything from outlining startup costs through to projecting cash flow month by month for two years.
SCORE, a network of business mentors created by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), has its own cash flow and financial projection templatesto help project cash flow over a 12- month or three-year period.
Each of these sites offers its own handy guide to get you started with your cash flow forecast template, so that even business owners without ninja accounting skills can get a handle on things. The best part? It’s all free.
QuickBooks cash flow projector
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