The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is increasing its efforts to audit and prosecute promoters of tax evasion schemes. The CRA cautions all Canadians to be aware of individuals who try to convince them to not pay their taxes. These individuals, often known as tax protesters, not only fail to report their own earnings, but they also conspire, counsel, and promote these tax schemes to other Canadians. Protect yourself. Know the facts.

Fact: You are not two people for tax purposes.

One of the most common false arguments tax protester promoters use is the natural vs. legal person argument, in which someone defines themselves as two separate people for income tax purposes. They define the natural person as the individual that performs the labour required to earn income, and the legal person as the legal entity that the federal government creates by issuing a social insurance number (SIN). Tax protesters allege that only the legal person has to file an income tax return, and that your earned income belongs to the natural person and is therefore not subject to Canadian income tax.

Taxpayers should be aware that tax protestors who promote intentional tax evasion are seeking a personal financial benefit at the expense of the taxpayer and of all Canadians. Those who avoid paying taxes are taking money that is needed for important investments in schools, hospitals and other vital government services. For more information, see Tax Protesters – Questions and Answers.

Read more from CRA Newsroom