by Susan Payton

This time of year, you’ve got a fresh slate, a clean canvas. What you do with this year is entirely up to you. You can keep your head down and keep working in your business, rather than on it (if you don’t get that reference, go buy The E-Myth immediately), or you can set some resolutions to ensure your business grows exponentially this year.

Here’s a list of resolutions to get you started.

#1. I Will Market My Business, Even When I’m Busy

I’m guilty of not doing this. When business is pouring in, it’s difficult to set aside time to find new customers, but it’s essential. Keep updating your profiles on social media. Keep blogging. Keep networking. Even if you don’t need the business right now, you will later.

Here are resources to maximize the time you spend on marketing:

Read more from Tweak Your Biz