QB Creating GJE


These are steps to fill in the fields:

In the Currency drop down menu, choose the appropriate currency. This field only appears when you activate multy currency in your company file.

In the Date field, choose your date.

Exchange Rate field only appears when you have multy currency.

Entry Number will be assigned automatically. You can change accourding to your like using both letters and numbers to indicate what kind of GJE you are creating.

Adjusting Entry. Check this box if it’s an adjusting entry.

In the Account field, select the account you want to debit or credit. When you finish entering your first row (from Account to Class) and move to the second row, QuickBooks enters the same amount as an offsetting balance (shown in example above).

Debit. If you want to debit the account you previously entered, type the amount.

Credit. If you want to credit the account you previously entered, type the amount.

Memo. Looks trivial, but it can help you a lot when you try to find out what you have done. Fill in with a memo that makes sense to you.

Name. You have to fill in this field when you are debiting or crediting A/R or A/P account.

Billable? This is to indicate wthether the amount is billable to your customer, i.e. to the enrty in the Name field you entered before.

Class. This only appears when you are using a Class feature. Enter appropriate class for your GJE.

Click Save & Close when you are finished, Save & New to save and make another one, or Clear to clear.