QB Customizing Company Snapshot 1


There are three (3) tabs shown on the top left:
1.    Company
As seen above, Company tab shows Income and Expense Trend, Account Balances, Expense Breakdown, etc.

2.    Payments
If you click Payment tab, it shows A/R Aging, Invoice Payments Status, Receivable Report, etc.

3.    Customer
This tab shows Customer Balance, Sales Summary, Best Selling Item, etc.

You can modify the report content, such as the date range in some of the contents above, by selecting available options from the drop down menu. For example, in the Income and Expense Trend, you can select Today, Last Month, etc. from its drop down menu.
You can also drill down to details in some of the content. For example, in the Account Balance, you can double click Chequing, Account Payable, etc. to open the register.

To reposition contents, hover your cursor over the view header until the cursor changes to a four-headed arrow, then drag the view to its new location.
To add contents to your Company Snapshots, click Add Content link just below the tabs which will give you available contents to add. You can then press “Add” bar to add content.


QB Customizing Company Snapshot 2


To remove contents from your Company Snapshots, close the window of the content and click OK when prompted whether you want to remove the content.